Sit down, take a seat! You want to talk? Okay, let's talk.
How ya been? Oh, really?
Me? I'm fine.
I've already lied to you. Did you catch it? You may have missed it. It's a lie you've accepted so many times, you probably don't even notice anymore. But yes, I used a deadly, lying word... fine.
Is anyone really fine?
Probably not. You see, we're all a little bent out of shape. We are all living in a world that is only a mere shadow of what we were created for. Sin sits silently at our doorstep, just waiting for us to let it in. Our culture constantly encourages us to trade eternal joy for momentary happiness, emotional depth for... fine.
So no, I'm not fine.
But there's another reason I'm not fine.
I'm not fine because God remembered to make the sun rise this morning. I'm not fine because I go to one of the greatest schools in the nation and have countless opportunities. I'm not fine because I didn't have to worry today about where my next meal was coming from. I'm not fine because my God pursues me relentlessly to show me that he loves me... because he was willing to lay down his life to buy back mine.
So I lied about feeling fine. I am feeling a little bent. But more importantly, I am very blessed. And I wouldn't trade either of those things for simply being "fine."
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