Not My Words
I feel entirely inadequate to write a blog post today.
Before you protest this statement, hear me out. This is not the kind of inadequacy that comes from believing the devil's lies about who we are (or are not). Rather, it is an inadequacy that stems from the humbling reminder that my own creativity, ability, and strength is never enough to sustain me.
In short, I have become complacent.
When I first began to write daily posts, they based in inspiration I found as I remained rooted in God, daily exploring His word, meditating on it, and praying. However, in more recent posts I have developed a very bad habit. Rather than rooting my blog in the Lord, I have recalled a vague biblical principle, described it in more literary terms, and found a few Bible verses to support the idea.
While I do not believe anything I have said is "unbiblical," I wonder if the true power of my words has been weakened by the fact that they are only that-- my words. Rather than allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to speak through me, I have been trying to channel that power myself.
For this I am truly sorry, perhaps partially to all who take the time to read my posts, but mostly to my God, who has entrusted me with a gift that I might glorify Him.
So today, rather than spending time looking for the catchy "hook" to begin with or the perfect point-driving sentence, I simply have this confession and the apology that accompanies it. But with it comes a prayer: that I might do more than realize my mistake, but act to repair my ways. Thus is true repentance.
I am not sure what I am going to write about tomorrow. But whatever it may be, I can promise you that it will not be my words. It will be God's, and it will be all the better for it. For although I find myself inadequate, I find God more than adequate and for both instances, I consider myself truly blessed.
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