The band NEEDTOBREATHE has a song called Slumber that has recently become one of my favorites. The words of the first verse are as follows:
Days they force you
Back under those covers
Lazy mornings they multiply
But glory's waiting
Outside your window
So wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes.
The idea of societal sin has always been an interesting one to me. This song especially invokes images of one of the greatest issues our modern society faces: the collective slumber.
It seems more and more that we have been lulled to sleep by the repetitive sameness of our days and the predictable paths we all take, and that our society is fast asleep. Creativity is okay, as long as it lies within acceptable perimeters. It's okay to have morals, as long as they don't go against what is considered "socially acceptable." Basically, whatever you want is fine, as long as you don't rock the boat.
We're curled up under our blankets with the shades drawn, but that doesn't stop the sun from coming up outside the window. There is a potential in each of us to do so much more than we had ever imagined. All we have to do is open our eyes to the world around us, one that is entrenched in pain and sin, searching desperately for a solution.
All we have to do is have the spine to admit to ourselves that, yes, we do have the answer. A monotheistic religion is a threatening one because it means saying that others are wrong. But our apologetic nature helps no one.
On the other hand, perhaps sometimes we have considerably more faith than we do action. We know the doctrine inside and out, but we are blinded to the suffering in the world. We accuse, praise, and debate, but perhaps we're missing the point. It is the sick that need a doctor, not the healthy.
Deep inside of us, there is a part that is stirring. We are beginning to wake up. The question is what will you do? Will you roll over and go back to sleep? Or will you open up your eyes?
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