Rebuilding the Wall

A few summers ago, my mom decided to mix things up in the garden and plant a new kind beans.  We expected a little bit of a different shape, maybe a slightly different texture or taste.  We were not ready for what we got.  The beans themselves looked quite the same as our old ones and tasted nearly identical.  What we didn't expect was the magnitude of the crop.  The plants grew like CRAZY!  Every time we went out, they seemed to be bigger and we couldn't keep up with how many beans they were producing, even though we were eating them on a regular basis.  They just kept coming.

A few months ago, my pastor decided to mix things up for Lent and challenge us to do something instead of giving something up.  I started a blog with the (seemingly) lofty goal of posting once for each of the forty days.  I expected it to be difficult at times.  I expected to struggle to find the words to describe things so infinite and yet infinitesimally complex. What I didn't expect was the magnitude of the crop.  People from all over began reading the blog, saying that it inspired, encouraged, and challenged them.  Forty days ended, but the posts kept coming.  God still had more to say through me.

This blog began with the subtitle, "Forty posts, forty days."

Today is my one-hundreth post.

A few days ago I changed the subtitle to Nehemiah 2:20: "The God of Heaven will help us succeed.  We his servants will start rebuilding this wall."

I have now written this blog on vacation car rides, in the hallway of my house at midnight, and from a college dorm room in the wee hours of the morning.  It has been a source of frustration and joy.  I have wept over the things I have written and pushed myself to evaluate truths I desperately wanted to hold onto.  Brick by brick, stone by stone, it has risen.

The wall is beginning to take shape.  It is a wall that will protect, that will comfort, that will be a fortress for those inside.  It is a wall on which children will play, at which lovers will meet, and through which the old will pass on to eternal life.  It is the wall of Truth, built by the Word of God himself.

The wall is being rebuilt.  The God of Heaven will help us succeed.


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