
I've been really struggling with writing my daily posts these past few weeks.  It's not that God hasn't been working in my heart recently... He has certainly been doing a lot.  But I feel like the lessons He has been teaching me are not yet complete and I haven't quite figured out how to sum them up.

As a result of my wrestling to comprehend these things, I have felt that my recent posts have been mediocre and a bit half-hearted.  For this, I apologize.  Half-heartedness is sometimes worse than nothing at all, as is noted in the Bible when it says, " So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold-- I am about to spit you out of my mouth" (Revelation 3:16).  

For this reason, after some consideration and thought, I have decided to put my daily posts on hold for the next week.  I will admit, to me this feels like a bit of a failure, but I truly feel that God has been challenging me to cure this "lukewarm-ness" that has begun to seep into my writings.  Know this, that I will not waste the time I usually spend writing these on useless ventures; instead I will spend it with the Lord, chasing Him down wherever He will lead me and asking Him to restore the passion that once burned through my words.

I want more than anything to do what will please my God and if that be biting the bullet for a week and admitting that I am struggling, then so be it.  Your will be done.


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