To Whom I Bow
The One to whom I bow is a Creator. He took a world of Chaos and ordered it until each atom and cell fit perfectly together to form tree and water, bird and fish. He created diversity and the laws of physics and language. He love His creation so much that He was willing to give it His image. I bow to the God who creates.
The One to whom I bow is the Judge. He draws a line in the sand between right and wrong. He condemns the oppressor in order to bring justice to the oppressed. He does not let good works go unnoticed and rewards those who seek Him. He did not leave me the burden of labeling others as evil or good but simply asked me to love them regardless. I bow to the God who judges.
The One to whom I bow is the Savior. He heard me when I called to Him. He rescued me from my suffering. He bought me at the price of His life and called me His own. He will protect me from harm and hide me in the shadow of His wing. He will bring relief to the suffering and peace to those who struggle. I bow to the God who Saves.
The One to whom I bow is the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and End. He is mighty to save, my Prince of Peace, the Mighty Counselor, the Healer, and the Teacher. He is Love, He is Peace, and He is Joy. He is the King of Kings, my Promise, my Hope, my Desire, and my Prize. He is the Redeemer. He has called me friend, bride, His portion, and His daughter.
The One to whom I bow is infinitely more than I could ever imagine and for that reason, and many more, I stand in awe that He has given me his Presence, his grace, and His heart. That is the God to whom I bow.
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