Losing Control

As human beings, we love to be in control. We make schedules, lists, plans, and guidelines in attempts to designate our futures and the people we will become. We want to know what will happen in 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, and 5 years. We have back-up plans, alternative routes, and shortcuts, but we are set on our destination.

And still our carefully outlined plans fall through.

When we lose control of a situation, we are unhappy. We get angry, frustrated, and upset. In life, we can only find peace and happiness if we learn to lose control.

Trying to live according to your own plans is like trying to get through an unfamiliar country without a map. We can pretend we're not lost but that does not help us find our way any faster.

God is our ultimate GPS, but He has one quality we don't always like: most of the time, we only get step by step instructions. In order to follow his path, we have to surrender our control.

We have a choice. We can chose to make our own plans and choose our own destination, or we can follow God where He leads us. The question is not whether we will be in control because both options will involve unforeseen road blocks and twists in the road.

The question is whether or not we are willing to lose control even while it is still option. This is what God asks for us, and in return, He promises not only a good destination, but a journey beyond our wildest dreams.


  1. Great post, Jessica. The funny thing about GPSs is that, no matter how hard following them can be, they're always better than being completely lost. Not that I'd know from personal experience. Hmm.


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