Down to Business

Have you ever taken the time to look back over the past ten years and see the development of products such as Apple, Verizon, or Facebook?  Unlike some passing phases, these groups have managed to work their way into our every day lives, making us nearly dependent upon them.  One of the most vital aspects of a company such as these is that it be adapt to new demands and markets.

As far as business men go, the devil is a good one.  In biblical times, idols to on forms such as statues or images, things we don't really see today in our world.  But this does not mean that Satan has gone out of business, it only means he has altered his product with the times.

The thing about idols is that anything good can become an idol if it becomes more important to us than God. It doesn't matter if its work, YouTube, or the cute boy in history class, any harmless thing will do.  Satan need only to convince us to bow down to something other than God and we have created an idol.

I've struggled with many such things in my past: books, boys, and my own image to name a few.  But the worst kind of idol is not the kind that sneaks slowly up on us until we realize what we have done.  Many times we do not notice something until it has become an idol, but as soon as it is brought to our attention, we rectify it.  No, the worst kind of idol is the kind that makes you lie to yourself.  The kind that when you begin to scrutinize your life to closely, bribes you into looking the other way.

It is then that we become like the prisoner who no longer wishes for freedom because he fears not having the walls of his cell to protect Him.  We have been promised freedom from the idols that enslave us, that demand our time, our attention, and our money.  But the worst, most dangerous kind of idol is the kind that convinces us that it is worth our time, attention, and money, even if the cost is our freedom.

Thus, the devil has taken an old business model and adapted it to a new market.  Like any good business man, he is most successful when he convinces us we need his product... we can't live without his product... But God promises us something much greater, much purer than anything the devil could offer: a reality where freedom is a truth and fear is a lie.

Let's look over our lives and chose our investments carefully.


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