The Beginning

And on the third day, death died once and for all. And on the third day, sin was defeated. And on the third day, He rose from the dead.

And on the third day, a new covenant was created.

It was not a covenant that required God's people to follow His rules perfectly before they could have a relationship with Him. It was not a covenant that asked for part of their lives. It was not a covenant that told them to try harder, wait longer, or behave better.

It was a covenant of love: created out of love, for the purpose of love, and signed with Love's blood. It said that God's people were no longer forced to pay the price of their sins, because Jesus lived the life they couldn't live and died the death they should have died.

The moment that Jesus sat up in the grave marked the beginning of something new. The world would be just as difficult as it had been, but there were new rules. There was a new reason to hope and a new way to live, not of our own efforts, but by His.

God had made a promise to his people, and even now He is working to fulfill it: "And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you; I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart." - Ezekiel 36:26


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