
My mom has the solution to everything.  She can cure it all, it's true... she told me herself.  She knows the secret to life: water.

I have a sore throat.  Drink some water.  I have a stomach ache.  Drink some water.  My hands are dry.  Drink some water.  I broke my arm.  Drink some water.  I swallowed poison.  Drink some... you get the point.

Although this may be a bit exaggerated, it is an undeniable fact that water is necessary to life.  Perhaps this is one of the reasons the Bible uses water analogies so often.  The best known might be when Christ refers to the "Living Water" while speaking with the woman at the well.

My favorite, though, was written hundreds of years before Jesus' birth by the prophet Jeremiah   He wrote in Jeremiah 2:12-13, "'Be appalled at this, you heavens, and shudder with great horror,' declares the Lord.  'My people have committed two sins:  They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water."

Often, when we turn from God and choose our own path, we believe we have succeeded when we look down at our newly dug cistern.  But a broken cistern does not serve it's purpose.  The water runs out.

Money, power, time, relationships, and certainties all have a way of slipping through our fingers.  Although we have made ourselves lives around these goals, our lives cannot hold them when circumstances change.  We, like broken cisterns, do not hold our water.  This is our two-fold sin.

The great thing is, no matter how dry the broken cistern is, there will always be a cistern with Living Water.  Perhaps sometimes it is not the kind of water we were hoping for... it's not necessarily glory or fame or power.  Or more realistically, it's not being in control.

But it is life-giving water.  It is healing water.

And we can't live without water.


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