Monday: Church Day

I don't really remember a time when I didn't go to church with my family.  I grew up the average American "church kid"-- Sunday school, vacation bible school, mission trips, retreats, and the occasional small group here and there.  Like my last name and my skin tone, my faith was something I had inherited from my parents.  It wasn't something I disliked but it wasn't necessarily something I made an effort to chose for myself either.

Learning has always come naturally to me, so finding the right answers in church wasn't hard.  I knew plenty about God.  The problem was, I didn't know God.  I worshiped a religion.

Countless people have across the nation have slipped into or been born into this Sunday morning rut.  I want to say up front that I am not a church-hater.  I love my church, the people that go there, and the work they do.  But for too many "Christians" today, the church is made up of donuts and pews and steeples and bells and organs and hymnals and family friends and sometimes even drama.

The church is not a building.  It is not something that can be assembled by getting the right material objects.  It's not something tangible, not a place you can go, and fits no time-frame you set it into.

The church is God's children, all over the world, working for His glory.  It is conducive to worship; not as an action, but as a lifestyle.

I challenge you, next Sunday, when you go to church, enjoy it.  Then, when you wake up on Monday, you are still "in church" and you should still be worshiping.


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