Give Me Justice
I have recently developed a love for a television series that aired back in 2007 called Robin Hood. The show takes the ancient legend and gives in new life; new characters and interesting subplots are created to embellish the traditional battle of between good and evil. The more I watch the show, the more hooked I become. However, I've noticed its not the story that keeps me coming back, it's the main character, Robin Hood.
Robin Hood has been reincarnated in countless storybook protagonists and folktale heroes because good writers across all times and places understand what their audience wants: we all long for justice. We don't want stories of suffering unless there is a hero to save the day. We only like stories that make us cry if they have some larger moral to comfort our hearts. We are determined that in the end, the good guys should always win.
Our longing for justice isn't a coincidence. We were created in the image of God, who declares that He is just. We desire to see the justice of the Lord brought to earth. But if we all long for this to happen, why are there still people suffering? Why does hunger still exist? Slavery? Fear? Evil?
Perhaps it is because we have become a little to attached to our Robin Hoods. We want to hear the stories of the men and women who bring justice to our world, but we want them to be cleaned up into a neat little one hour summary that fits nicely into our schedule. We want to hear these stories from the comfort of our own homes, only exercising the strength it takes to listen.
But when it comes to committing hours of our own time, we are less eager. The task is difficult, it takes so much of our time and energies and we may not see results for years at a time, if ever. We have to leave our comfort zones and step out into the unknown.
Today, I challenge you to make a decision. You can continue to listen to the well-spun tales of justice, cheering on those who fight and cheering for those who are saved. But there's also a second option. You can bring the justice. You can stand up next to the other Robin Hoods as they fight the daily battle for good.
You can long for justice, or you can fight for it.
Robin Hood has been reincarnated in countless storybook protagonists and folktale heroes because good writers across all times and places understand what their audience wants: we all long for justice. We don't want stories of suffering unless there is a hero to save the day. We only like stories that make us cry if they have some larger moral to comfort our hearts. We are determined that in the end, the good guys should always win.
Our longing for justice isn't a coincidence. We were created in the image of God, who declares that He is just. We desire to see the justice of the Lord brought to earth. But if we all long for this to happen, why are there still people suffering? Why does hunger still exist? Slavery? Fear? Evil?
Perhaps it is because we have become a little to attached to our Robin Hoods. We want to hear the stories of the men and women who bring justice to our world, but we want them to be cleaned up into a neat little one hour summary that fits nicely into our schedule. We want to hear these stories from the comfort of our own homes, only exercising the strength it takes to listen.
But when it comes to committing hours of our own time, we are less eager. The task is difficult, it takes so much of our time and energies and we may not see results for years at a time, if ever. We have to leave our comfort zones and step out into the unknown.
Today, I challenge you to make a decision. You can continue to listen to the well-spun tales of justice, cheering on those who fight and cheering for those who are saved. But there's also a second option. You can bring the justice. You can stand up next to the other Robin Hoods as they fight the daily battle for good.
You can long for justice, or you can fight for it.
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