Fly By

We are always pushing the boundaries of time.  How full can we stuff it?  How far can we stretch it?  How much can we waste and still have enough to get it all done?

We live a straddled life, with one foot pushing into tomorrow and the other stuck in yesterday.  We buy into multi-tasking and only end up doing everything poorly and at a slower pace.  We say we want to slow down but we really just want to get our work done faster so we can be "finished."

We wear ourselves down, push ourselves hard, and make ourselves go farther until we realize that we spend so much time doing nothing that we have somehow convinced ourselves it is something.

We waste time like it's our job.  We don't even have to try anymore, it's a natural default.

But while we wait patiently by, strung out by our busy schedules and lack of down time, the minutes and hours fly by like bullets hoping desperately to hit a target.  Our plans are memories before we know what has happened.  We keep ourselves so busy that we don't have time to process the world around us.  Our lives are the countryside whizzing by our train windows.

Even Jesus spent time away from people.  He was constantly seeking refuge, in boats, gardens, and any other secluded place.  He prayed and fasted, he wept and rejoiced.  He worked through his challenges and even as God, never stood up from His knees.

Now our challenge is to do the same- remain intentional about how we are spending our days and ways.  The question is: will you heed the advice before time is up?


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