It Will Rain

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!  Bless the Lord, O my soul... who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." -Psalm 103: 1-2, 5

The past few months of my life have been exhausting.  Between finishing up my requirements for graduating (essays, projects, preparing for AP and IB exams), keeping up with regular school, working to earn enough money to keep up with gas prices, and preparing for college through applications, interviews, and scholarships, it's sometimes been hard to find a moment to breathe.  Even when I did find the time, it often felt like the pressure of finishing up one thing while preparing to begin another was just too much.

But as the old saying goes, when I found I couldn't stand, I got down on my knees.  I prayed.  I begged God for peace, for strength, for clarity.  Yet no booming voice answered from the sky.  So I asked again.  And again. And again.  There were times that I doubted myself.  There were times I doubted God.  There were time I didn't have the presence of mind to doubt anything at all.

Then, it happened.  God breathed life into my old bones.  His answer came not with a booming voice, but with a revelation as to my own fear and weakness.  In a moment otherwise insignificant, He revealed my heart to me and gave me the strength to acknowledge the fault I saw there.

When it rains, it pours; and this was no shower of blessings, this was a torrential downpour of them.  Today, God has shown me how my commitment and endurance over the past few years, months, and even weeks have paid off.

I tell you this, not to praise my own actions.  This could not be farther from my goal.  Instead, I want you to remind you of two things.  First, that God is faithful and when He says He bring relief, He is true to His word.  But also, I want you to know this: the sunrise is coming.  For every moment you spend in the darkness, you are one moment closer to the sun breaking over the horizon.

The winds are changing.  There is a stillness in the air.  Something is building in the distance.  It is a storm.  You may be standing in the midst of a desert right now, but that does not change one essential truth:

It will rain.


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